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CPP Product Line
Series 456 | CPP Sprayliner
Generic Type: Ultra-High Build, Structural-Grade, Spray-Applied Microfiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Modified Polyamide Epoxy
Description: A two-component, spray-applied, 100% solids polycyclic amine epoxy engineered as an ultra-high build, high-strength microfiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) applied liner.
Common Use: Designed for rehabilitation and lining of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) structures and other large wall, open, or semi-open structures where high film strength and durability are required to deliver sealed barrier protection against hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and I&I.
SERIES 451 | CPP Sprayliner MH
Generic Type: Ultra-High Build, Structural-Grade, Spray-Applied Microfiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Modified Polyamide Epoxy
Description: A two-component, spray applied, 100% solids polycyclic amine epoxy engineered as an ultra-high build, high-strength microfiberreinforced polymer (FRP) applied liner.
Common Use: Designed for rehabilitation and lining of sanitary sewer collection systems (sanitary sewer manholes, cylindrical lift stations, pipes).
SERIES 457 | CPP Sprayliner 61
Generic Type: Ultra-High Build, Structural-Grade, Spray-Applied Microfiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Modified Polyamide Epoxy
Description: A two-component, sprayapplied, 100% solids polycyclic amine epoxy engineered as an ultra-high build, high-strength microfiberreinforced polymer (FRP) applied liner.
Common Use: Specifically designed for use in potable, drinking water environments (certified NSF/ANSI/ CAN Standard 61).
CPP Trowel-Liner
Generic Type: Ultra-High Build, Structural-Grade, Trowel-Applied Microfiberei Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Polyamide Epoxy
Description: A two-component, ultra-high build, high-strength, trowel-applied microfiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) epoxy that can be used as a repair compound or as an ultra-high build, standalone protective liner.
Common Use: For sanitary sewer collection systems, wastewater treatment structures, or potable water infrastructure (certified NSF/ANSI/CAN Standard 61).
MORTARTEC Product Line
Mortartec Cladliner
Generic Type: Epoxy Modified Cement Liner
Description: A stand-alone epoxy-modified cement lining system that is a highly advanced, formulated epoxy blend incorporating cutting-edge epoxide technology with proprietary engineered curing, combined with a specific balance of Portland cement, high-density graded silica aggregate, and synthetic fibers.
Common Use: Designed as a stand-alone system for moderate H2S environments (up to 100 ppm) and is great for protecting concrete, brick, and masonry sanitary sewer manholes, and wastewater system assets.
Mortartec Ceramico
Generic Type: Epoxy Modified Mortar
Description: A highly advanced, formulated epoxy blend incorporating cutting-edge epoxide technology with proprietary engineered curing, combined with a specific balance of Portland cement, high-density graded silica aggregate, and synthetic fibers.
Common Use: Uses include repairing and/or resurfacing concrete or brick masonry.
Mortartec Silicate
Generic Type: High-Density Microsilica Mortar
Description: An industrial-grade blend of Portland cement, graded silica sand, fibers, and microsilica.
Common Use: Repairing of concrete or brick masonry, as a stand-alone mortar lining, or as an underlayment in the Epoxytec MH Composite Lining System for sewer manholes.
Mortartec Hydrxx-1
Generic Type: Rapid Set Hydraulic Cement
Description: A rapid-setting, industrial-grade hydraulic cement compound designed for structural patching, and as a leak-stopping water plug. Sets in 60 to 90 seconds.
Common Use: Water Stop Hydraulic Cement / Repair
Mortartec Hydrxx-3
Generic Type: Rapid Set Hydraulic Cement
Description: A rapid-setting, industrial-grade hydraulic cement compound designed for structural patching, and as a leak-stopping water plug. Sets in 3-5 minutes.
Common Use: Water Stop Hydraulic Cement / Repair
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Uroseal Product Line
Uroseal 45V
Generic Type: Low Durometer Vertical-Grade Elastomeric Sealant
Description: A two-component, 100% solids, low durometer (45-55 Shore A) elastomeric sealant serving as a high-build elastomeric coating or joint sealing system for vertical and overhead use.
Common Use: The product is often used as a joint system in non-immersive vapor pits, dry wells, shafts, and sanitary sewer manholes.
Primecoat Product Line
SE-d Primecoat
Generic Type:Solvent-based polyamine epoxy
Description: A two-component polyamine penetrating epoxy primer and sealer for concrete. Designed to perform and bond to slightly damp, saturated surface dry (SSD) concrete to assist with an effective barrier in these conditions.
Common Use:
Primer / sealer
Barrier base coat
Uroflex Product Line
This product has been discontinued. Please contact your local sales representative for further assistance.
Uroflex 61
This product has been discontinued. Please contact your local sales representative for further assistance.