Epoxytec Dual Recertification

A score of 80% or higher is required to pass. If needed, you can refer back to the video modules for support while taking the test. The test may be attempted up to three times.


Upon submission of the test, you will receive an email with your test results.


Once you achieve a passing score, a digital ECAN Dual certificate will be emailed to you. This will replace your current certificate.

What is the primary purpose of CPP Sprayliner?

What is CPP Sprayliner engineered as?

What is the sag resistance of CPP Sprayliner when applied using proper equipment?

What is the recommended minimum dry film thickness for CPP Sprayliner when used as a structural liner?

Will Epoxytec CPP prouducts stop active water leaks?

Which factor(s) should be considered when applying CPP products?

Which of the following is true about the term “structural” as described by Epoxytec in reference to CPP products:

If the substrate is highly deteriorated, a resurfacing mortar should be used first before applying CPP products.

CPP products ideally suited for water/wastewater repair and lining including:

Can CPP Trowel-Liner be sprayed?

Certification or Recertification of CPP Trowel-Liner

A score of 80% or higher is required to pass. If needed, you can refer back to the video modules for support while taking the test. The test may be attempted up to three times.


Upon submission of a test, you will receive an email with your test results.


Once you achieve a passing score, a digital ECAN CPP Trowel-Liner certificate will be emailed to you.

What is the primary application environment for CPP Trowel-Liner?

What is the minimum thickness specified for CPP Trowel-Liner when used as a non-structural liner?

Will CPP Trowel-Liner stop active water leaks?

If the surface is highly deteriorated, a resurfacing mortar should be used first before applying CPP Trowel-Liner.

When using CPP Trowel-Liner as a liner/coating, what is the minimum thickness that it should be applied?

Which of the following statements accurately describes the term “structural” as defined by Epoxytec in reference to CPP Trowel-Liner?

Can CPP Trowel-Liner be applied using a spray method?

What is the primary role of CPP Trowel-Liner in below-grade environments?

What is the minimum thickness specification for using CPP Trowel-Liner as a structural film in aggressive conditions?

What should be done if excessive outgassing is anticipated during the application of CPP Trowel-Liner?

Once your test is submitted, you will receive an email with your test results and information on the next steps. We appreciate your commitment to completing the CPP Trowel-Liner certification process.

CPP Trowel-Liner Test

The CPP Trowel-Liner test may be taken a maximum of three times. A score of 80% or greater represents a passing score. Upon submission of a test, you will receive an email with your test results.
CPP Trowel-Liner is ideally suited for water/wastewater repair and lining including:

Can CPP Trowel-Liner be sprayed?

CPP Trowel-Liner can be applied directly to concrete (DTC)?

Will CPP Trowel-Liner stop active water leaks?

If the surface is highly deteriorated, a resurfacing mortar should be used first before applying CPP Trowel-Liner?

Epoxytec will issue an extended material defect warranty when CPP Trowel-Liner:

When using CPP Trowel-Liner as a liner/coating, what is the minimum thickness that it should be applied, especially if a warranty is to be issued?

CPP is so surface forgiving, that it doesn’t require a dry surface or profile.

Which of the following statement(s) are true about the term “structural” as described by Epoxytec in reference to CPP:

Which factor(s) should be considered when applying CPP Trowel-Liner?